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List of Digital Marketing Communities to try (2020) - I always use to think how to meet people better than us and finally learned that it pays to hang around with people better then us. So this can be done through digital marketing communities. If you be with people who behave worse than you, pretty soon you 'll start sliding down the pole. It just works that way (As said by Warren Buffet). True. If you want to be best in the world at digital marketing, it all depends on choosing right people you spend time wisely through digital marketing forums. Be with people who want to improve and surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, who know more than you and who can teach you something you don't know. You don't need a degree or digital marketing course for this. One of the best ways of doing this is joining the right community online. As a result you can meet people who are gracious at giving and often share their best ideas and knowledge without holding back. Their are carefully curated communities with moderators on the constant lookout for spammers. Joining one would be an great advantage added for your online digital marketing game.

Here are some digital community names connecting digital marketers worldwide which i think are good. You can go through it to see which suits you best.

Online Geniuses - Created by David Markovich to connect and chat with other great minds in the digital marketing Industry. Each applicant is manually selected and as a result the slack group has grown into an active community. This digital marketing forum holds great marketers, SEOs and other professionals.

BigSEO - This group emerged from the subreddit r/BigSEO. Steven Van Vessum proposed bringing a advanced level discussion on to it. Now it has grown into community of several hundred people. Reddit is ranked most popular social platform worldwide, while marketing subreddits or specific group of online community associated with Reddit with subscribers in millions.

Traffic Think Tank - This is a paid slack group started by three famous SEOs, Matthew Barby, Nick Eubanks and Ian Howells. Now this group has grown into a group of top tier SEOs and digital marketing professionals discussing latest tactics. They have also frequent seminars on teaching topics ranging from PR to Link building.

Coffee with Dan - This is a famous Facebook group from entrepreneurs who want to "get shit done" while being themselves. It has now grown into 14000 active entrepreneurs having a range of discussion. This group was created by Entrepreneur Dan Meredith himself.

Ahrefs Insider - If you are looking for a discussion on only about SEO this group will be perfect to know in and out. The group has limited members and customers of only Ahrefs. They even have seo slack channel for seasoned SEO's for casual discussion on latest trends and theories. 

Badass Marketers and Founders - This is one of the best group in the world to learn about latest growth hacks. This group is for you, if you have ability to execute fast. If your looking to push your business further, Hundreds of growth hacks can be found in this group.

Traffic and Copy - This group is to help propel your Business further by dropping one value bomb. Vin Clancy and Charlie Price appears every day on this massive growth hacking group.

SaaS Growth Hacks - You can own or work for this company SaaS. Just to give advice or feedback, start a discussion are simple learn from the best of the best.

Stacking Growth - You can share actual insights, knowledge and tools required to launch and scaling your company. It is also place to grow your personal brand and share insights around. Its run by the founder of Growth agency.

The Super Cool Dan Ray White Hat SEO and Link Building Company - This is a high quality group focused on White Hat SEO tactics instead of majority of Black Hat focused ones. This group is for you to learn outreach and link-building strategies.

Lion Zeal Mastermind - In this group you can freely discuss PBN (Private Blog Networks) issues without being judged by white hat techniques advocates.To keep the community active and running, weekly interviews are held with successful SEOs regularly.

The Digital marketing world today has massive potential in future. Today we are in digital ERA were you get answers for all solutions through best professionals. We may not visit them, but to communicate a solution for any problem these digital marketing communities plays an important role. Its brings information to you. I can suggest any digital marketing course or coach to you online, but still it's always good to learn from people who are best, smarter and mainly who can teach you what you don't know. BEST OF LUCK

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