How to run successfully a Tuck shop Business?

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How to run successfully a Tuck shop Business?
– Before starting what is a Tuck shop? I am sure people will be having different idea about tuck shop business. But let me tell you tuck shop project can be referred to small snacks joints or retailer. It can be operated in food courts, schools and colleges campus and even inside tech-park companies were employee strength is above 1000. It can sell typically sandwiches, confectionery, finger foods, crisps & soft drinks etc. Not only food stuff you can sell, even simple stationary and other options can also be added based on clientele.

This can be one of the best profitable small businesses if you operate in a proper way. I am sure most of the small business restaurants make profits very rear due to heavy rents they pay. But if you're opening inside a tech park company the prices might be low considering the outside prices. The best part is you will never have to pay any rent or maintenance cost. It will be taken care by the Tech Company. Only operating cost and daily operations you need to take care. In this way you can have some compromise on your prices at the same time saving high. Here in this blog I would like to share some tips and tricks about running Tuck shop business with big profits. Remember tuck shops today are major concern in today's Multinational Companies. We use to run by ourselves in IBM Campus at Embassy Golflinks Park. The above pic is one of the tuck shop images we use to manage. If you run it in a smart way, for sure the profits will start pouring from the day one. It’s nothing difficult just depends how you present and manage your shop.

Most of the time you can see, employees walking out for a local joint for snacks. What it takes to make your shop unique. Make sure you always maintain enough stocks which can last at-least for 10 days. It gives good look and presentation for your shop. Customer coming to your shop should always have mindset about the varieties available. Working Employees during his breaks will be running with hundred things in mind, first thing his mind say "lets visit tuck shop near me then decide further were to have break snacks".

Cleaning is a major concern, which needs to be followed with proper precautions to make sure your customer feels fresh and hygiene food. Weekly pest control needs to be followed on time. Your Tuck shop design or set-up should be in such a way with proper Veg and Non-Veg options to be maintained to make your customers happy. Always remember one customer goes happy you will get hundred back. Remember it’s not just Tuck shop it’s your small restaurant so always think how you can upgrade? How you want to be treated when you move into a restaurant?

About the workers maintain a proper dress code and hygiene. Always make sure to go with daily wages as this will make easy for long run. Every month service your equipment's due to continuous usage anything can happen anytime so be prepared. Have a proper supply chain on daily basis of perishable items and make sure all the vendors’ payment to be cleared in not more than fifteen days. We use to clear vendors payment by Saturday every week. As this use to be very easy for our costing reports. Today also most of the small business owners do the same.

Have all your licenses in place, FSSAI and BBMP license is a must. Today majority of Tech companies go with paper work first then referring to higher authorities for finalizing a food counter to a vendor. Maintain a reminder for renewal of licenses also, anyways it will be yearly once so not a problem.

The best part of the Tuck Shops is easy going small business with very little investment or no investment. Majority of companies provide you today whole kitchen setup also so you will have no investment at all. If you have a proper team in place, I can assure you will be rocking from day 1. You can just update stocks on weekly basis and control the cost. To be on safe side i would rather suggest going with cash on carry business.

Maintain a good relation with Top management and facility team, as you will have time to time birthday parties. Every week in tech companies admins organize birthday parties in groups were you will have major opportunity for your snacks and drinks consumption. This will give small boost for your sales weekly.

Tuck Shop Conclusion
This is a major opportunity for young Entrepreneurs who are looking for a small Business venture to try. They will learn lot of new things. It might be a small tea shop also, if you go with local research hot or cold beverage counters/tuck-shops are the most profitable small businesses at present.

As i said before tuck shop business is very easy to go. In-fact tuck shop project was my first venture as an Entrepreneur/Business person and successfully ran for 3 years. We closed down after 3 years as the company shifted to different location were our operational cost was going too high due to transportation and supply. THANK YOU.

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