From Rags to Riches Success stories

Poor people, Rich people, Success stories, Money and Business
From Rags to Riches Success stories - Now a days its normal we hear a lot, But in reality as per my theory are mostly fake and destroying lot if Young minds. Well before saying more here are few facts which is already in line.

Jeff Bezos was born rich, so was Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Warren Buffet. None of them were rags before becoming riches. Everyone were from well being families. You can google it for numerous examples like that. Even Bollywood actors Shahrukh Khans mother was a magistrate and she has a three storey house in Delhi. He was having his own car when buying car was not something which any middle class can afford. He would play video games in 80s at the time India hadn't heard such thing even existed. He reached Mumbai with 10k which is big amount during that time and stayed in a five star hotel, which costs 13k a night for one today. Same with Amitabh Bachan were his father was a national poet with connections with Nehru family.

This is because people always believe in idols and they like to be self made men. All this comes back to one thing that you have dramatise even your life to sell. Everyone have their own stories. In-fact no one likes to hear that someone was rich and he got richer, tats not an achievement. Successful men like people to believe that whatever they have done was all because of them alone. They have to struggle a lot to reach where they are. Here is the problem with these stories. People actually start believing them, its gives them ability to believe that they can do it with false indications it can be their own story. They keep convincing themselves if they can do it why can't we. Even it end up believing that without painful struggle they will never get anything worthy in life. Being poor is virtue and rich is a vice. Well its not true. That's why poor remain poor while rich getting richer day by day.

So here is my advise to all. Luck has nothing to do anything with it. Don't believe in this stories while some might be true, bu most of them are created by men to glorify themselves in front of people. Their is nothing necessary you have to struggle or face tremendous amount of pain to get rich and successful. You just need to work hard and focused in one single direction. Biographies are one sided glorified version of man who really wants him to be admired for the kind of man he was after he is gone. Its good to be motivated listening to those people, usually good speakers, but its no were written or required you need to walk on same path to get success.

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