Become smart in life, super intelligent, motivational quote, inspiration, inspiring blog, Motivate yourself

How to become Smart in Life (2020) - People view their life in terms of stages. Theirs nothing wrong but you will loose potentials unrealized to become smart. College, career, marriage, Children and old age, considered this as series of projects. In this stages of life "how to become smart and confident is the question ?"

Always view your life this way. If you really want to become smart internalize a habit, Learn a new skill, Create a prototype, Self reflection, Experiment and learn a new skill or something similar. You can achieve so much more. Being able to self direct and work on it to know more about your self in terms of how to be confident. Be ready to take action.

How to become super Intelligent ? Is it possible, Yes ! Read variety of non-fiction books, such as chemistry, philosophy, accounting, Business and Investing. Make your own mental library. This is not to become bookworm, but to familiarize yourself with steep learning curve. Don't worry if you can't remember all, its just to understand the context at the moment. After all we are just humans. To become smart it helps you cultivate focus. Not to worry if your busy, Start small by reading for 30 mins daily.It would be great if you treat this as your hobby. Do not interfere this process with short term profitability. Its for your long term benefits.

Start challenging your own thinking - To become smart as a human being we are either improving or degrading. If we think stagnate, we're in-fact degrading. The best way to improve is to challenge yourself. Don't wait for external circumstances to challenge, this would be good strategy. Instead of depending on bench mark set by others raise your own bar. Always think about someone who seems to rise above the competition because he does't wait for environment to challenge him. 

How to become extremely smart ? Its True growth happens internally and improvements happens externally. You don't gave to announce to the world your challenges, just know your purpose. Don.t do anything to impress others instead yourself. Over a time you'll find yourself fulfilling. We usually don't succeed first time we try. That's the way it works. None of the toddlers can walk smoothly at their first try. 

Tips - How to become intelligent genius - Keep in mind always prepare and plan yourself. We may think would execute something perfectly and achieve the grand results. But HELL no. We still have to equip our-self with the right skill and mentality team. Then experiment, identify your variables and fine tune them. See what works best. Rinse and repeat. Experiments happens everywhere in our daily life, business, relations ships and of-course laboratories. The key is to experiment smartly.

Spend time with people smarter than you. As long as you're open minded, smart people pull you upto their standards. Its a natural process. If you don't find right people spend time with great authors or mentors to become smart to their level and caliber. You will find them digitally. To connect with this people you need to be communicative and provide value. Give before you get. If you don have anything to give upgrade yourself until you have something to give. You don't have to passively accept anyone, you have the power to choose your associations. It may take time to reach were they are today. So choose wisely. Be good and do good. 

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